PUBG Arriving To Xbox Game Preview December 12th


We’ve been waiting a long time for this announcement, but Paris Games Week and Bluehole Studios have given us an answer: gaming phenomenon PlayerUnknown’s Battlegrounds, or PUBG, will be launching on Xbox Game Preview on December 12th.

The stream itself, hosted on Mixer by Xbox’s Aaron Greenberg, was rife with technical issues and poor gameplay demonstrations. Greenberg’s mic refused to work for half the stream, there was plenty of feedback on the speakers, whilst the two gamers showing off the game died pitifully in their first encounter. It was the streaming equivalent of blueballing.

Still, the stream has given Xbox players a date to look forward to, along with some tidbits about how the game will compare to the PC release. PUBG won’t initially be 4K on the Xbox One X, as Bluehole haven’t quite finished the textures and whatnot, and the implementation of updates will go through the PC community first before Xbox. That said, the Xbox version will launch with the vaulting update already available, so console players won’t be too far behind their PC brethren.

So there you have it. December 12th. Better tell the family that Christmas is cancelled, as PUBG will likely consume the lives of most Xbox players until the New Year and beyond. The game will launch digitally and via retail for $29.99 or ÂŁ26.99, the same price as it is on PC. Are you excited for the battle royale sensation to arrive on Xbox, or do you not care? Let us know in the comments.

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