Netflix’s Daredevil Season 3 Releases This October

The eagerly awaited season 3 of Marvel and Netflix’s Daredevil has finally revealed its release date.

Along with a brand new (and pretty moody) teaser trailer, the third season will be dropping on October 19th.

In the trailer, a bloodied Matt Murdock looks to be going back to basics, seen donning the ol’ classic black attire from season one and broodingly explains that the only true way to defeat evil is to ‘let the Devil out’. It certainly looks like this season will be a hell of a lot darker than what’s come before.

We last saw Murdock at the end of The Defenders mini-series, seemingly killed by a falling building along with The Hand in the finale of the Netflix team-up, but, unbeknownst to everyone else, later recuperating in an unknown church-like location with some nuns. Rumour has it Season Three may introduce his mother into the fray.

As of yet, an episode count has not been revealed but if Iron Fist’s second season is anything of an example, less is definitely more and all for the better with these Marvel/Netflix shows.

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