Fear The Walking Dead Star Signs On For Avatar Sequels

Fear the Walking Dead

Hey, remember Avatar, the highest-grossing movie of all-time that nobody ever talks about? And how about Fear the Walking Dead, the spin-off to The Walking Dead that ditched its novel premise within three episodes to become just another zombie show?

Well, the two worlds are about to collide: Cliff Curtis, who portrays Travis Manawa in the AMC show, will be taking part in the next four Avatar sequels.

Portraying Tonowari, who is the leader of the reef clan Metkayina, Curtis joins Sam Worthington, Sigourney Weaver and Zoe Saldana, who all return to their roles from James Cameron’s first effort.

Interesting bit of casting, but one we won’t see on our screens for quite some time – it hasn’t even begun shooting yet, even though it’s been nearly a decade since the first movie. If you can believe it, Avatar movies will see you through until 2025.

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