Myself and Jimbo Donnellan visited Rezzed this year. There were so many interesting and unique titles that we struggled to look at them all as some of them deserved to be kept an eye on, so here’s a quick snapshot of the indie games to watch in 2018.
1. The Sinking City
The Sinking City is an open world detective adventure game set in the world of H.P Lovecraft. I didn’t get a chance to see much, but what I did revealed a spooky atmosphere and third person sleuthing through the titular Sinking City. This game comes from Frogwares, the creator of Sherlock Holmes: Crime and Punishments and The Devil’s Daughter.
2. Winter Hall
Another spooky looking game at Rezzed was Winter Hall, a game all about the Black Death in which you travel into different people’s consciousnesses to experience life during plague times. The game looks fascinating and developers Lost Forest Games describe it as “Gone Home meets Quantum Leap”.
3. Megaquarium
Ever wanted to run an aquarium? Me neither! But how about a virtual one? Yes please! Megaquarium is a build-an-aquarium game (like it’s a genre!) in the vein of Theme Park. This game is another game by Tim Wicksteed, creator of the surprise hit, Big Pharma, in which you build tanks and get fish. It reminds me of an old game that actually used the Theme Park engine, which I believe was simply called Aquarium, but don’t hold me to that.
4. Overcrowd
Overcrowd was just the cutest looking game about running the London Underground, of which I am certain I can do a better job. Didn’t look at this game too much but its lovely isometric graphics and management-y game already has made my Steam Wishlist. Overcrowd reminds me very much of those wonderful Kairosoft mobile games; it all looks super cute!
5. The Peterson Case
The Peterson Case by Quarter Circle Games is a game I keep promising myself I’ll look into more. I saw it for the first time at EGX 2017, loved it, but haven’t actually read up on it. A first-person horror title based around the Roswell case, expect aliens to be giving you the heebie-jeebies directly in your face.
6. Lamplight City
At Rezzed I got chance to place a wonderful Victorian fantasy Adventure called Dance of Death, but that wasn’t the only victorian point and click game on show. I got a few short minutes with Lamplight City, a retro style game from Grundislav Games. You know the drill, head to a new location and hunt for clues, it’s a beautiful looking game, it remind me a lot of the Blackwell series.
7. Hipster Cafe
Hipster Cafe does exactly what it says on the tin: you run a hipster cafe. Created by useful slug, it’s exactly how you’d imagine it; awful gimmickery and food that could be described as being in the vague region of wrong. The game looks amazing though, like a cross between Theme Hospital and Pizza Connection, complete with a ‘create-a-meal mode’.
8. Flashing Lights
Flashing Lights is the emergency simulator you’ve always wanted, but never knew you did. Excalibur Games once published Enforcer, a game with great potential which failed to live up to expectation. So Excalibur are trying to go one better and have you take one police, fire and ambulance duties. An open world and multiplayer are both key features of this title, which makes this simulation one to watch.
9. Forgotton Anne
Forgotton Anne is a game I’ve had my eye on for a while. A 2D puzzle platformer, it’s the Ghibli inspired art style that really takes centre stage here. Forgotton Anne manages to blend cut sequences and gameplay without issue, and looks to be one of the most beautiful platformers ever made. This one is due to drop on Xbox One, PS4 and PC in May so not long to wait.
10. Frostpunk
Frostpunk is a steampunk inspired city building game from 11 Bit Studios. I have not yet played this title but look forward to. This game tasks you building a city in a harsh arctic-style environment. The city is built in a circular fashion around what appears to be a power station of sorts, building outwards. I don’t know a massive amount about it, but thus far the gameplay looks awesome.
11. Two-Point Hospital
If you don’t know what Two-Point Hospital is you must’ve been in a coma (apologies if you have been in a coma and this is the first time you’ve heard of this game). A spiritual successor the the universally loved Theme Hospital, Two-Point Hospital sees you running your own house of medicine and treat hilarious diseases. There’s been no decent build-a-hospital games since Theme Hospital, so we are looking forward to a return to form.
12. The Bard’s Tale IV
I played The Bard’s Tale remake for Xbox, a humorous RPG spoof starring Cary Elwes, and I enjoyed it. So I was thrilled to hear we were getting The Bard’s Tale IV this year. However, this is a direct sequel to the 1980s original trilogy and has nothing to do with the action-RPG of the early 00s. The game looks stunning thus far so I look forward to see what InExile can do with what looks to be the final chapter of this game series.
13. Oniria: The Realm of the Three Z
Coniria: The Realm of the Three Z is a platform title in the vein of those PS1 style 3D platformers. Defeat enemies to earn their souls and use the souls to open new areas. Be aware, however, that when holding souls your health doesn’t deplete, also you are restricted to holding five at a time, hold on too long and they’ll pop out and return as enemies. An interesting looking game that looks to be headed to crowdfunding later in the year.
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