Dragon’s Dogma 2: How To Unlock All Vocations

Dragon's Dogma 2
Dragon's Dogma 2

If you’re going to brave the monsters and bandits that lurk in the countries of Vermund and Battahl while playing Dragon’s Dogma 2, you’re going to need to master the art of vocations. Basically a job/class system, vocations dictate what skills you have, along with what weapons and equipment you’ll be able to use.

Naturally, Dragon’s Dogma 2 doesn’t give you every single vocation right off the bat, so if you want to master all the jobs and skills that this game has to offer, you’re going to need to do some digging for yourself. Or, you could just let us help you out, as we tell you how to unlock every vocation in Dragon’s Dogma 2.

Dragon’s Dogma 2 features 10 vocations, with six available for both your character and your pawn, the AI helper who’ll follow you around for the whole game. Meanwhile, the other four classes are available to just the Arisen. Here’s all 10 vocations, along with the NPCs you’ll need to interact with in order to start unlocking them:

– Fighter: Unlocked from the very beginning.
– Archer: Unlocked from the very beginning.
– Mage: Unlocked from the very beginning.
– Thief: Unlocked from the very beginning.
– Warrior: Unlocked by completing the quest Vocation Frustration and retrieving a greatsword from Trevo Mine.
– Sorcerer: Unlocked by completing the quest Vocation Frustration and retrieving an archistaff from Trevo Mine.
– Mystic Spearhand: Unlocked by interacting with Sigmund, who can be found when fighting off the dragon that attacks Melve Village.
– Magick Archer: Unlocked by completing a quest for Gautstafr and Cliodhna, who can be found in the Windwalker’s Home on Agamen Volcanic Island
– Trickster: Unlocked by speaking to Luz, an oracle who resides in the Reverent Shrine in Battahl. Can be found as part of the main quest.
– Warfarer: Unlocked by completing a quest for Lamond, who can be found in the Geyser Hamlet on Agamen Volcanic Island.

Once you’ve received one of the unlockable vocations, you’ll need to spend discipline points at a Vocation Guild in one of the major towns to actually be able to use the vocation. The cost isn’t high though, so you should be able to swap, and once you’ve learned the vocation, you perform futuer swaps for free.

Dragon’s Dogma 2 is available now on PC, PS5 and Xbox Series X & S.

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