Daredevil Possibly Confirmed For Avengers: Infinity War

One of the biggest questions to have been on the minds of Marvel fans in recent months is whether any of the characters from the Marvel Cinematic Universe shows on Netflix will appear in Avengers: Infinity War. And oddly enough, a Lego set based on the film may have just confirmed that the answer is yes.

Images of the film’s tie-in Lego sets surfaced online last month, and Instagram user the_marvelous_guy noticed a very interesting detail. If you look carefully at the Lego set of Doctor Strange’s Sanctum Sanctorum, you can clearly see a newsstand containing an issue of the New York Bulletin, with the headline reading ‘Crime Floods The Streets’, accompanied by what is very clearly a picture of Daredevil, who is played by Charlie Cox in the hit Netflix show.


Now sure, this could just be a fun Easter egg, but it seems unlikely that they would go through the trouble of adding in such a clear reference to Daredevil just for the shits and giggles. Adding fuel to the fire, Anthony Mackie, who plays the Falcon in the film, recently confirmed that one of the major battle scenes will feature around forty superheroes. Including the Guardians of the Galaxy, I counted a total of nineteen confirmed heroes thus far, so the remains nineteen could easily include Daredevil and possibly the other characters from the Netflix shows.

The New York Bulletin, which is the newspaper used in the Lego set, has appeared prominently throughout the MCU Netflix shows, and is the workplace of major characters including Ben Urich and Karen Page. If you look closely throughout the scenes in the Netflix shows set in the New York Bulletin’s headquarters (it appears in Daredevil, The Defenders, and The Punisher), you can see framed newspaper clippings detailing major events in the MCU timeline, including the Hulk’s fight with the Abomination, the Battle of New York, and and the scandal involving the corporation Cybertek from Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. Note that the Battle of New York headline erroneously reads that hundreds were killed whilst Captain America: Civil Wars lists the death toll as only seventy-four, and another headline covering the event is notable for being the only instance in which we actually see Avengers Tower in any of the Netflix shows (producer Jeph Loeb explained that the building isn’t seen in the New York skyline in the shows because we never see the skyline framed from a position where it would be visible).

The issue of a crossover between the movies and the Netflix side of the MCU has been a strong point of contention among fans, with a possible reason why nothing has materialized thus far being an alleged dispute between producers Kevin Feige and Isaac Perlmutter. Usually when asked if a crossover will happen, actors and crew members will dance around the question instead of offering a clear answer, but if this Lego set is to be believed, we may finally have one.

Avengers: Infinity War is directed by Anthony and Joe Russo, and stars Robert Downey Jr., Scarlett Johansson, Josh Brolin, Tom Holland, Mark Ruffalo, Chris Evans, Zoe Saldana, Chris Hemsworth, and Chris Pratt. It opens in cinemas on May 4, 2018.

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