With Black Friday in the bag, it’s likely that either yourself or a loved one has managed to bag themselves a brand spanking new 4K TV and an Xbox One X to with. As Christmas is just around the corner, and they’ve clearly re-mortgaged the house to afford this new gaming setup, the perfect gift would be some new games to play.
The Xbox often gets a lot of stick for not having enough games, but there’s still plenty available to sink your teeth into, especially if you’ve never owned Microsoft’s Box of Wonders before. For those looking for the best green branded gifts, here’s the ideal Xbox games for Christmas 2018.
1. Red Dead Redemption 2

Kind of a slam dunk this one, but Red Dead Redemption 2 is played best on the Xbox One X after all, and boy does it look beautiful on Microsoft’s premium hardware. Arthur Morgan’s tale of survival on the dying frontier might not be to everybody’s taste, but you’d be remiss if you didn’t give it a go at some point.
2. Assassin’s Creed Odyssey
The second AC game since Origins revitalised the series, Odyssey takes things to Ancient Greece, where you can shag Spartans and fight the Medusa. With an absolutely insane amount of content on offer, Odyssey should give players plenty to do well into the New Year. Also, no. This isn’t copying off the PS4 list. Watch.
3. Forza Horizon 4
See? Completely different. What the Xbox might have lacked this year in dedicated first party releases was redeemed by Forza Horizon 4, which still proves to be the best racing simulation series on the market. If you’re going to buy a gift for a known petrolhead, this would be it.
4. Call of Duty: Black Ops 4
The series just won’t stay down, not matter how much you seem to think its getting stale, Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 offers the same fun shooter gameplay you’ve known and got angry at over the years. Though it’s a bad gift for someone who hates multiplayer shooters, get it for someone you want to form a Blackout squad with.
5. Halo: The Master Chief Collection
Given that the premise of this article is that you’re buying gifts for someone who just bought an Xbox One X, Halo: The Master Chief Collection is an obvious and stellar gift. With four incredible Halo games included along with local and online multiplayer that actually works now, The Master Chief Collection is worth checking out. Plus, we will never not recommend someone buying Halo 3.
6. Destiny 2: Forsaken
From Bungie’s old series to Bungie’s new series, Destiny 2 gives players that same “loot ‘n’ shoot” gameplay that people say they’re sick of but then sink 100+ hours into the game when the new DLC drops. That’s not an attack either; I’m just as much back on my bullshit as you are.
7. Battlefield V
Again, not one for those who aren’t entirely keen on multiplayer shooters, but Battlefield V offers a completely different experience to CoD. Instead of the close-knit, fast paced action, you’ve got more expansive theatres of war that accommodate up to 64 players, 50 of which will be sat at the back of the map sniping.
8. Hitman 2
The sequel to 2016’s assassinate-’em’-up reboot, Hitman 2 puts you back in the nice dress shoes of ol’ baldy barcode Agent 47 as he commits more terrible acts across the world. With the ability to play the previous game’s levels, along with 7 whole new levels and brand new multiplayer and co-op modes, Hitman 2 might be the most complete adventure yet.
9. Spyro + Crash Remastered Game Bundle
If you feel like living in the future for just a minute, you could give the digital gift of six games for the price of one through the Xbox Game Store. Apparently nostalgia sells, as the success of both Spyro and Crash has been nothing short of astronomical, though it helps that both trilogies are incredible. If you know someone who just can’t stop telling people how games were better back in the day, this is the bundle for them. Or, just sit them down with The Witcher 3 and tell them to shut the hell up.
10. Monster Hunter: World
Continuing a theme present in this list, if most of these games will keep your gift recipient occupied until at least the New Year, Monster Hunter: World has the potential to suck them in indefinitely. With a nigh-on limitless amount of content (there’s always more weapons to grind for), and constant free updates, Monster Hunter: World deserves its place in the Christmas stocking of many a happy Xbox One owner.
Bonus: Xbox Game Pass
So why choose what game to get an Xbox owner for Christmas, when you could just pick up 6 months of Game Pass for the same price as a full release game and give someone nearly 200 titles to play, including the likes of Forza Horizon 4, Halo: The Master Chief Collection and the Gears of War series, along with more underrated bangers like Onrush, Ruiner and the excellent Human: Fall Flat. For those first starting out in the world of Xbox, Game Pass is a must.
– 51 Best Xbox One Games You Should Be Playing
– 30 Best Xbox One Co-Op Games You Should Play
– Best Free Xbox One Games
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