A Plague Tale: Requiem tells the story of Amicia and Hugo trying to survive as they’re beset on all sides by violent guards and feral rats. In order to brave the tests and trials that are ahead of them, you’ll need to make sure that Amicia’s equipment stays upgraded throughout the course of the game.
With that in mind, here’s everything you need to know about upgrading your equipment in A Plague Tale: Requiem.
There are five categories of equipment that can be upgraded throughout the game. Those five categories are your Sling, your Crossbow, your Alchemy Items (crafting and improving alchemical ammo), your Gear (essentially your inventory reserves) and your Instruments (allows you to craft more upgrades easily).
In order to upgrade your equipment, you need to find tools and pieces in order to upgrade your equipment, along with the fact you need to be at a workbench in order to actually work on the upgrades. Tools are pretty rare, and can either be found in large chests, or hidden chests that can be opened with a knife. These second chests then unfurl to become workbenches so you can immediately work on upgrades. Meanwhile, pieces can be found in chests and in other nooks and crannies, so be sure to search high and low if you want all the upgrades.
Here are all of the upgrades you can buy within A Plague Tale: Requiem.
Sling Upgrades
Softened Cords – By softening the cords, Amicia makes less noise when she uses the sling.
Double Cradle – By adding a second cradle to the sling, Amicia can shoot a second time before reloading it.
Elongated Cords – By extending the cords, rocks shot with the sling are more powerful and can stun enemies for much longer.
Crossbow Upgrades
NOTE: the crossbow is only unlocked during Chapter 5.
Flexible Limb – Choosing a softer metal for the limb of the crossbow will enable Amicia to reload it much faster.
Bigger Quiver – With a larger quiver, Amicia can carry additional bolts.
Reinforced Bolts – By reinforcing the crossbow bolts, Amicia can recover them from enemies’ corpses.
Alchemy Upgrades
Hidden Pockets – Sewing new pockets on her gear will help Amicia carry additional alchemical ammo.
Strong Fire – Amicia improves the alchemical ammo which enables her to kill enemies by throwing a jar combined with an Ignifer.
Unstable Reaction – Amicia improves the alchemical ammo to make Odoris explode on contact with fire, killing unarmoured enemies.
Gear Upgrades
Ringed Belt – A new ring on her belt will help Amicia carry an additional jar.
Bottomless Bag – Amicia can carry additional alchemical resources thanks to a new pocket on her bag.
Belt Cases – Adding cases to her belt will help Amicia carry additional knives and additional Pyrites.
Instruments Upgrades
Recycling Tool – A recycling tool is helpful for breaking jars, knives, Pyrites and bolts into pieces if Amicia has no more room.
Traveller Tools – With traveller tools, Amicia can upgrade her equipment anywhere without using a workbench.
Unbreakable Tool – Amicia can use an unbreakable tool to upgrade her equipment without any tool cost. Additional tools can then be recycled into pieces.
Because Instruments allow you to not only upgrade your equipment anywhere, but also increase the amount of pieces you can earn, it’s wise to invest all your pieces and tools into that upgrade path first. Once you’ve done that, any additional tools you find can then be recycled into pieces as well, making this set of upgrades a worthwhile investment heading into the rest of the game.
A Plague Tale: Requiem is available now on PC, PS5 and Xbox Series X & S.
READ MORE: Games of the Generation: A Plague Tale: Innocence
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